Automation Fabric to Unify Cybersecurity Defenses


Learn from all the digital data within your organization with federated Search
Drive security goals & decisive actions with comprehensive federated Responses
 Force multiply your existing & new tech stack investments with HyprFlows Automation

Forge cyber resilience through an "Automate First" & "Goals Driven" strategy

Achieve Cybersecurity Goals with HyprEdge Automation
Designed for Fusion Teams, Track ROI of Automation

Security Automation for Business Outcomes

Get instant value out of all your investment in a wide variety of Security and IT tools across the org. Boost your Cyber Resilience journey within days.

Define your Security automation workflows based on outcomes to achieve and not just existing tasks and processes.

Measure and achieve Security automation ROI beyond improved efficiency with reduced costs of adopting cloud technologies by reducing data transfer within and across 3rd party applications.

Connect your multi-cloud and hybrid / on-premise applications at their network location with our edge-based solution

Maintain high security posture by retaining complete data sets at the application source and limiting organization data duplication.

Security Automation for Fusion Teams

Fusion Teams across the org can collaborate to achieve organizations Cybersecurity Goals.

Enterprise Architecture becomes composable by leveraging your existing application investments while helping you decide and adopt new AI and Cloud technologies.

Unify your Security automation projects across processes or business functions and cross functional teams.

Collaborate to achieve business outcomes while empowering employees to action their work tasks

Cybersecurity Challenges

Getting Automation architected and implemented effectively across your organization is key to reaping dividends from all your technology investments and in effectively managing the cybersecurity operations.

Disparate security tools across domains do not coalesce to provide holistic security responses

Data duplication and transfer across distributed multi-cloud, multi-region applications increase both costs and risks

Fragile Automated responses tightly coupled with vendors limit outcomes and incur high maintenance cost as technologies evolve



Federated Search in Apps running across multi-cloud, on-premise and private cloud environments in your Organization
Search for Assets, Confidential Files, Emails, Users, Containers, Images, Code, Vulnerabilities etc.


Federate Response
Recursive Real Time Responses on Search Results, Respond to time sensitive security issues in seconds
Automated Response
Create Automated Responses to typical Security threats such as Phishing Emails, Zero Day Vulnerabilities etc. Industry's first - Search Operator within Workflows, delivers comprehensive response capability to threats


Automate to Achieve Goals
Create Goals with desired outcomes, associate workflows with Goals to track ROI of Automation
HyprFlows-Best in Class No Code Workflows
Create Workflows with Simplified Workflow Builder with your typical programming operators - Loop, Break, Nested Conditions, Parallel,   Global KV Store, Wait etc.

HyprEdge aims to be your partner in becoming a Cyber Resilient business.

Sustainable growth and global competitive advantage in today’s digital era requires reliable and resilient cybersecurity operations. 

With organizations moving towards digital first across all industries and rapid adoption of cloud-based solutions, there are now 10-130+ cybersecurity tools across various domains and 20-450+ SaaS applications being used depending on the size on an organization. 

While each application int he respective domain serves a purpose, new challenges are being introduced for the CISOs and the organizations to defend against cyber threats and attacks.

Good Security Automation strategy only comes from reliable Scalable Platform.

Get instant value out of all your investment in a wide variety of Security and IT tools across the org. Boost your CyberResilient journey within days.

No more juggling between 25+ different tools

Reduce  cloud cost and only worry about goals

Increase Productivity by multifold

Operationalize cross-org automation strategy