Centralized Management of Decentralized Apps

HyprEdge's proprietary Edge Automation Technology delivers never-seen-before performance and cost reductions while achieving the business outcomes.

Start Trial

3-Easy Steps to get you started

Onboarding to getting the value out of HyprEdge Platform is a less than 10 min affair.


Create Goals

Choose the Applications you use in your Hybrid Cloud or On-premise environment and configure them.


Configure Apps

Choose the Applications you use in your Hybrid Cloud or On-premise environment and configure them.


Enable Data Edges             

HyprEdge detects the Edge where application is deployed using its patented method and recommends the Edge to be enabled

Start Exploring and Using the Platform

Start Your first HyprFlow, perform Federated Search and Take Actions
Invite Team members to Collaborate, Assign Roles & Permissions
Configure your Enterprise SSO
Track Goals & ROI
Review Metrics in Dashboard

HyprEdge Platform's Enterprise Capabilities let's users collaborate and manage business priorities

Multi-Tenant Platform supports multiple administrator with granular roles, Use your organization's IdP and seamlessly connect and manage users, Collaborate with other fusion teams with visibility across the org.

Invite Fusion Team Administrators

Add Admins Users, create permission sets and assign designated and granular roles.

Configure Enterprise SSO

Connect your IdP with HyprEdge and start managing HyprEdge users with your IdP. Also, enables Single Sign on for admin users.

Manage your Priorities

HyprEdge's Workspace provides you the visibility across all workflows, searches, actions and any pending approval requests.

Change the way you think about Security Automation Strategy.

Make Security Automation first class citizen aligned with Company level Business Outcomes
HyprEdge Platform is designed to seamlessly work with your existing tools
Fusion Teams Creates their Biz Outcomes for their individual Units
Fusion Team admins manage their workflows in HyprEdge to achieve Operational Excellence
Fusion Team chooses the tools of their choice to achieve goals
Federated Search and Actions enables you to take care of urgent situations and those manual steps can be converted into workflows